Senior Developer at BigEyeDeers

Hello World

Posted on: 1 July 2024

I've written this post so many times previously, but I'm excited to write it again. This time, I'm using Next.js 14, React Server Components, and MDX to build a blog.

I've wanted to create this site for so long, I've event attempted it on multiple occasions. I'd get the majority of the work done, but then never get round to finishing it. I'd come up with different reasons to abandon it, whether it was a lack of content, or functionality, or convincing myself that nobody would be interested in what I had to say, or that I'm just not very good at writing. I've even gotten all the way to launching it in the past, but I'd instatly find a a reason I didn't like it and start rebuilding it all over again.

I think it all boils down to imposter syndrome. Lots of people, especially creatives, suffer with imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. I know I have felt myself dealing with it on a number of occasions, but knowing that makes it a bit easier to deal with.

I might not have any content yet, and what I do write not be very good, but that's ok. I will get better the more I write, and the more I write the more content I'll have. That ticks off two of my worries straight away. I can improve the site over time, adding more functionality to it as I create more content, and I can write content about that process. It's not a bad position to be in at all.

Which leaves one final point of concern, what if nobody is interested in what I write?

I often tell my daughter she shouldn't worry about what others think, and to do what makes her happy. Advice I finally decided to follow for myself today.

So on that note... Hello World, welcome to my site.

At the time of writing, this site is built with Next.js 14, React Server Components, Tailwind for the CSS compilation, but hand-written CSS for the styling (More on this in an upcoming article), and MDX for the blog posts. I'm hosting it on Vercel, and I'm using GitHub for the source control. I've cobbled this together relatively quickly, so there are a few rough edges, but I'm happy with it for now as it gives me a starting point to build from.