Senior Developer at BigEyeDeers

Suggestions from GitHub Copilot

Posted on: 5 July 2024

I asked GitHub Copilot to give me a list of potential improvements I can make to this project. This is how it responeded.

Given the structure and content of your workspace, here are several potential improvements focusing on best practices, robustness, and code quality:

Enhance Error Handling in Utility Functions:

In src/lib/utils.ts, the formatDate function catches errors but only logs them to the console. Consider implementing a more robust error handling strategy, such as error reporting to an external service or providing a more descriptive fallback message.

Optimize CSS for Maintainability:

Your CSS files, such as src/styles/elements/forms.css and src/styles/elements/typography.css, contain browser-specific fixes and enhancements. Consider using CSS variables and mixins to make these fixes more maintainable and reusable across your stylesheets.

Improve Accessibility:

Review your components, like the one in src/app/(pages)/contact/page.tsx, to ensure they meet accessibility standards. For instance, ensure that links have discernible text and that interactive elements are accessible via keyboard navigation.

Utilize TypeScript More Effectively:

Leverage TypeScript's type-checking capabilities more extensively. For example, ensure that all components, utilities, and functions have appropriate type annotations to catch errors at compile time.

Implement Automated Testing:

There's no mention of testing in the provided workspace structure. Consider adding unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests using frameworks like Jest and Testing Library. This will help ensure the robustness of your application as it grows.

Linting and Code Formatting:

Ensure that ESLint and Prettier are properly configured and used throughout the project to maintain code quality and consistency. You might already have ESLint configured, as indicated by the presence of .eslintrc.json and eslint in your devDependencies. Make sure to regularly run these tools and address any warnings or errors they report.

Optimize Build and Deployment Process:

Review your next.config.js and next.config.mjs files to ensure you're leveraging Next.js's capabilities for performance optimization, such as automatic static optimization, image optimization, and incremental static regeneration.

Security Best Practices:

Audit your dependencies regularly to ensure they are up to date and do not contain known vulnerabilities. Tools like npm audit can help with this.

Ensure that sensitive information is not hardcoded in your source code. Use environment variables for API keys, database URIs, and other sensitive data.

Improve Documentation:

Your provides a good starting point, but consider adding more detailed documentation about the project structure, how to contribute, coding conventions, and how to report bugs or request features.

Code Splitting and Lazy Loading:

If not already implemented, consider using Next.js's dynamic imports to split your code and lazily load components. This can significantly improve your application's performance, especially as it grows.

These improvements can help enhance the quality, maintainability, and performance of your Next.js project.


I've never tried using GitHub Copilot in this way, but I am impressed with the comprehensive list of potential improvements it provided for this project. Most of these points I was already aware of, but there are a few new suggestions I've found interesting.

If this were a client's project, I would ensure that most of these aspects were covered before delivering the project. However, since this is a personal project that I've put together quickly, I'm going to launch the site as it is. I'll make a note of these improvements and work on them over the coming weeks. I can then write a follow-up post detailing the changes I made and how they improved the site.