Senior Developer at BigEyeDeers

What I want to get out of this site

Posted on: 3 July 2024


Building my own site always seemed like it would be more fun than creating one for a client. The freedom to make decisions on the fly without being accountable to anyone else’s ideas or requirements sounded appealing—an empty canvas to build whatever I wanted.

However, the reality often proved different. These projects usually turned out to be the most difficult. More often than not, I would end up feeling fed up with the site before it was even finished. The lack of direction became a hindrance rather than a creative unshackling.

This post is essentially a public brainstorming session. My aim is to develop a brief or specifications document that I can use as a reference while building this site. It may not provide much value to readers, but it will help me clarify my goals and objectives.

Personal Goals and Objectives

Learning and Practicing New Skills

I want to use this site to learn and practice new skills and techniques. React and Next.js are high on my list. Although I've tinkered with both, I haven't had the chance to work on anything significant. Building this site using React and Next.js will give me real-world experience in developing and launching sites with these technologies.

Web Performance

Web performance is one of my specialties, so it's crucial that this site meets high standards. Who would trust an article about web performance from someone whose own site is slow? This site needs to be fast by default, and I plan to continually optimize it to squeeze even more speed out of it.

Building a Profile for Speaking Engagements

A major goal of mine is to start giving talks and presentations at conferences. Though I’ve never done this before, it's an area I’m eager to explore. I hope this site will help me build a profile that showcases my knowledge and experience, instilling confidence in conference organizers that I can provide value to their audiences.

Gaining Experience in Content Writing

I’m very critical of my writing, and I know the best way to improve is through practice. This site will give me a platform to do just that. Writing and publishing content might be the most challenging part for me, so it’s essential to streamline the process as much as possible.

Content Ideas

While discussing content, it’s a good idea to list some topical areas I could focus on. With over 20 years in the web industry, including more than 10 years in the e-commerce sector, I have plenty of experience and knowledge to share.

Frontend Development

As a frontend developer with a strong focus on CSS, I love experimenting with new features and functionalities. Sharing cool and interesting ways to achieve objectives would be a lot of fun.

Magento 2 Development

For the past five years, I’ve been working on Magento/Adobe Commerce projects daily. I’ve picked up tips and tricks that could help others in this field.

Web Performance

This is a fascinating area that’s growing in popularity, especially with Core Web Vitals becoming a ranking factor in Google. I have a lot to share about optimizing web performance.


Having worked in the e-commerce sector for over a decade, I’ve seen many changes and innovations. I could write about the good, the bad, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.


With a few years of experience as an in-house SEO, I’ve gained substantial knowledge. I could share insights into what works, what doesn’t, and various strategies for optimizing sites.

Next.js and React

Content around Next.js and React will be more of a ‘learn with me’ series, highlighting the good and bad points I discover while building this site.


AI is the new frontier. Opinions on it range from seeing it as the most exciting development since the internet to fearing its potential impact on jobs and security. Regardless, it’s here to stay, and the more we understand it, the better off we’ll be. I’ll explore various aspects of AI, sharing what I learn along the way.


Building this site is not just about creating an online presence; it's a journey to learn, share, and grow. I hope to turn these challenges into opportunities and create something valuable both for myself and for others who might stumble upon my content. That's you! So, thank you for reading this post and joining me on this adventure. I hope you find something useful or interesting along the way.